This was the first week of my junior year at the university. It was pretty uneventful other than that, but here are some things from my week that were semi-noteworthy.
Red Band Society

Late Period
This isn't unheard of, but my period is usually extremely punctual. When I'm 3 days late, I freak out, even though I've always used birth control consistently. So yeah, I freaked out for 4 hours until I managed to get my ass down to the pharmacy and got the pregnancy test. It was negative, whew! Whenever I'm late I get my period like 3 hours after buying the test kit and it's like, "that was a waste of money" but it happens every time.
How did I do on my goals?
Study at least an hour a day. - I did study, but I feel like I did very unproductive studying.
Study Russian on Duolingo every day. - I did every day except today. I put it off because I was in a noisy environment so I couldn't study well and I ended up forgetting :(
Drink enough water every day. - I did drink more water than I did before, but I didn't track my water intake.
Make friends with incoming freshmen. (main goal) - Unfortunately a lot of really bad crap happened at my school recently so many of the events at which I was supposed to meet freshmen were cancelled. I have another opportunity next week, so maybe next time…
My goals for the next week:
Read 70 pages of books daily.
Be less grumpy.
Don't buy anything.
Write 3 blog posts.
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