
Weekly Sophia

This was the first week of my junior year at the university. It was pretty uneventful other than that, but here are some things from my week that were semi-noteworthy.

Red Band Society

I watched this because I ran out of things to watch (can you believe that?) and I was pleasantly surprised. I loved it! I've seen lots of shows set in hospitals, (Grey's Anatomy, I'm looking at you.) but those all focus on the doctors. This show is about teenage patients. Seeing the bond between them and how that bond changes every one of them was very touching. My favorite was Leo. Every time he was feeling down I just wanted to hug him so badly. Unfortunately, Red Band Society only has 13 episodes or so. I don't understand why it was cancelled early. It's awesome! I could imagine this show getting boring after the 3rd season or so(because most TV shows do), but if they went through with the 2nd season like they had planned, it would have been great. Now I have to find something else to watch…

Late Period

This isn't unheard of, but my period is usually extremely punctual. When I'm 3 days late, I freak out, even though I've always used birth control consistently. So yeah, I freaked out for 4 hours until I managed to get my ass down to the pharmacy and got the pregnancy test. It was negative, whew!  Whenever I'm late I get my period like 3 hours after buying the test kit and it's like, "that was a waste of money" but it happens every time.

How did I do on my goals?

Study at least an hour a day. - I did study, but I feel like I did very unproductive studying.
Study Russian on Duolingo every day. - I did every day except today. I put it off because I was in a noisy environment so I couldn't study well and I ended up forgetting :(
Drink enough water every day. - I did drink more water than I did before, but I didn't track my water intake.
Make friends with incoming freshmen. (main goal) - Unfortunately a lot of really bad crap happened at my school recently so many of the events at which I was supposed to meet freshmen were cancelled. I have another opportunity next week, so maybe next time…

My goals for the next week:

Read 70 pages of books daily.
Be less grumpy.
Don't buy anything.
Write 3 blog posts.

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